Manirathnam is making sure that his upcoming movie ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ doesn’t go wrong at any places. Unlike his previous movies, it’s gonna be a direct adaptation of the novel ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ authored by Kalki. With the preproduction works close on the heels of completion, the filmmaker has reportedly confirmed Vijay, Mahesh Babu and Arya for the lead roles. Initially Vikram and Vishal were supposed to perform lead roles alongside Vijay are now replaced by Mahesh Babu and Arya.
Closer Sources have confirmed that all the three actors Vijay, Arya and Mahesh Babu have been confirmed and yet final level of discussions are to be done as it involves scheduling of call sheets. Additionally, it is Anushka Shetty getting into the project now and couple of other considerations for other actresses is going on.
Closer Sources have confirmed that all the three actors Vijay, Arya and Mahesh Babu have been confirmed and yet final level of discussions are to be done as it involves scheduling of call sheets. Additionally, it is Anushka Shetty getting into the project now and couple of other considerations for other actresses is going on.
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