Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Big actors face remuneration cut

In a major development in Tamil Cinema the fees of big-time matinee idols have been reduced according to the president of the Producers' Council Ramanarayanan.
"We had convened a meeting following the impact of the 'recession' in filmdom and have arrived at a conclusion to lower the wages of big stars" said Ramanarayanan.
This development has reportedly sent shock waves across big stars. Adding to this development is the fact that many corporate production houses have decided to lower production costs of many films that are being produced right now. It is also reported that Eros Entertainment, the financiers of Ayngaran and some other major production houses have backed off from the projects. This may also have stemmed because of many big films bombing at the box office.
The decision from the Producers' Council is expected to make small filmmakers very happy as they can afford much more that what is happening in the present scenario.

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