Jai, who began his career in a small cameo in Bhagavathy, made a mark for himself in Chennai - 28. Later on he proved that his success was not a flash in the pan in Subramaniapuram. Now this talented upcoming actor is on a roll and his kitty is full of plum assignments like Aval Peyar Thamizharasi, Arjunan Kaadali, to name a few.
Recently to a poser on who his favorite actor in Kollywood is, Jai came with a prompt reply that it is none other than the Ultimate Star Ajith Kumar. He further went on a laudatory spree, singing Hosannas on the handsome star. Jai says that Ajith does not miss an opportunity to appreciate good work and the Billa star is like an elder brother to him. He also seeks advice from him on his films and Ajith is always ready to help him out.
Recently to a poser on who his favorite actor in Kollywood is, Jai came with a prompt reply that it is none other than the Ultimate Star Ajith Kumar. He further went on a laudatory spree, singing Hosannas on the handsome star. Jai says that Ajith does not miss an opportunity to appreciate good work and the Billa star is like an elder brother to him. He also seeks advice from him on his films and Ajith is always ready to help him out.
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