The audio launch of Kaartic Anithaa was held in Sathyam cinemas this morning which was well attended by luminaries from the Tamil tinsel world including directors Karu Pazhaniappan, Jayam Raja, Mysskin, Thangar Bachchan, Poo Sasi, Kreedom Vijay, Madhumitha, Editor Mohan and singer Harish Raghavendra. The first CD was
released by Jayam Ravi and was received by everyone present on the dais.
This film is directed by Sri Hari who apprenticed with art director G K and Sundar C. Debutant hero Rathan is the son of make up man Babu who is associated with Editor Mohan’s family for a long time. It is said that when Jayam Ravi made his first screen presence at seven years, it was Babu who applied make up for him. Music for the film is scored by Jack Anand who had earlier sung the western bit in the track Kaadal Theeye from the film Run.
While speaking at the function Mysskin reminisced fondly about his first producer of the film Chithiram Pesudadi and felt that every director should have a producer like him. Director Thangar Bachchan came strongly against actors who are not able to do anything on Srilankan Tamils issue.
Two songs and a trailer of the film were screened. The track Ayyayyo penned by Muthukumar appeared to highlight the relationship between a father and a son. Debutant Manju is the heroine while Kota Sreenivasa Rao and Rajan P Dev are said to feature in comical roles. The event was hosted by Maheswari.
released by Jayam Ravi and was received by everyone present on the dais.
This film is directed by Sri Hari who apprenticed with art director G K and Sundar C. Debutant hero Rathan is the son of make up man Babu who is associated with Editor Mohan’s family for a long time. It is said that when Jayam Ravi made his first screen presence at seven years, it was Babu who applied make up for him. Music for the film is scored by Jack Anand who had earlier sung the western bit in the track Kaadal Theeye from the film Run.
While speaking at the function Mysskin reminisced fondly about his first producer of the film Chithiram Pesudadi and felt that every director should have a producer like him. Director Thangar Bachchan came strongly against actors who are not able to do anything on Srilankan Tamils issue.
Two songs and a trailer of the film were screened. The track Ayyayyo penned by Muthukumar appeared to highlight the relationship between a father and a son. Debutant Manju is the heroine while Kota Sreenivasa Rao and Rajan P Dev are said to feature in comical roles. The event was hosted by Maheswari.
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