Monday, November 29, 2010

Kamal’s daughter Akshara loves a Srilankan?

Akshara is one of the daughter of Kamal Haasan. Shruti Hasan is her sister. Akshara was born to Kamal and Sarika.

Akshara and Sarika are now staying in Mumbai. The latest news says that Akshara fell in love with a Sri Lankan guy Jaison Jayaseelan. The sources further said that, both of them were good friends more than a year. Everyone knows that. But, recently the friendship has turned in to love.

Further the resources says that there were some photos of them being together released on a website. Here is one of those photos we found on net.

Kamal Haasan is a very talented artist who goes beyond the limits. Now his daughter is trying to go beyond the traditional limits and getting ready to marry a foreigner, even though the language is same, he is a foreigner to her. It will be welcomed by everyone hopefully by Kamal too…

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