The family feud between Vijayakumar and his daughter is creating great sensations these days. In a recent police complaint given by Vanitha, she said that some gangsters have come to her house and have threatened that they will kill her children. She further added that she has a doubt that these people might have been sent by director Hari because he is supportive to Vijayakumar.
At this point of time Director Hari’s brother Karvannaraja who is residing in Saligramam has given a complaint to Virugambakkam police station in which it is mentioned.” Last night around 10 pm I received a phone call asking Hari to keep quiet or otherwise he will be murdered and the phone was disconnected. When I tried to contact the number on the caller ID it seems that someone has spoken from a coin box phone at M G R Nagar. Hence I request to investigate the police to enquire into the matter and take necessary action against the concerned.”
Virugambakkam Police Inspector Gnanasekaran is investigating this case. Hari has married Preethika who is another daughter of Vijayakumar.
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