The tussle between the father-daughter duo reached its nadir when both of them almost came to blows at the Kamarajar domestic airport terminal at the Chennai airport a couple of days ago. When Vijayakumar landed up with Srihari and his wife, little would he have thought Vanitha & Anandarj would be there, awaiting his arrival and to apparently take back the child in their custody.
Vanitha tried to snatch the boy which was resisted hardly be Vijayakumar, it is reported. They almost came to blows with each other, oblivious to a crowd of curious people staring at them. The Airport police intervened, separated them and took them to the police station inside the airport where each of them filed complaints against the other.
Despite Court orders to the effect that Vanitha should have the ‘custody’ of Srihari, Vijayakumar’s family members haven’t yet handed over the child to her. Later, speaking to newsmen after the incident at the airport, Vaniha said that she believed in God who was on her side and said she’d fight tooth and nail to get win over the custody of her child.
She also dropped a bombshell by saying that she would soon align herself with a major political party and would campaign for the party in the ensuing elections!
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