Janani Iyer, model-turned-actress will make her debut with Bala’s Avan Ivan. After the news that she had signed on for this project, Janani seemed to have gone in hiding. Recently, she was seen at the audio launch of Avan Ivan, looking absolutely gorgeous in a red and black sari.
Quizzed about her disappearance from the scene, she said that she had only been following her director’s strict instructions. Bala wanted his heroine to be the surprise package in the film and retain her USP as a fresh face, so he had asked her to stay away from the media blitz.
Janani Iyer added that she had submerged herself in the character completely and took a complete break from modeling and did not sign any more films. But now that the shooting is completed, she says she is happy with her work and is eager to do more films.
Quizzed about her disappearance from the scene, she said that she had only been following her director’s strict instructions. Bala wanted his heroine to be the surprise package in the film and retain her USP as a fresh face, so he had asked her to stay away from the media blitz.
Janani Iyer added that she had submerged herself in the character completely and took a complete break from modeling and did not sign any more films. But now that the shooting is completed, she says she is happy with her work and is eager to do more films.
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