The film ‘Aravaan’ is produced by Amma Creations and the casting include Aathi, Pasupathi, Archana Kavi of Mollywood fame, Thanshika and Karigalan. Vasantha Balan of ‘Veyil’ and ‘Angadi Theru’ fame is directing this movie. Both his previous projects received immense critical acclaim.
‘Aravaan’ is based on the slice of life in South India during the eighteenth century. The crew of the film spent a great deal of time in hunting down mountains, caves and hidden places used during wars that took place during the Pandian Era. Atlast, they zeroed on ‘Arittapatti Hills’ that is situated near the Madurai Melur. The place is not encroached by human life and boasts off many caves, streams and huge valleys.
Art Director Vijay Murugan set up a grandeur village with the help of a huge art work team. The place has hundreds of huts made of bamboo straws, palm leaves and stones. It also includes ‘Karuppan Temple’ which is also popularly referred to as ‘somberi madam’ these days. The film is being shot with many character artists and about five hundred junior artists!
Director Vasandha Balan says, “This hill and the landscape are very important to showcase the eighteenth century we wish to portray. The hill and sets are set up at cost of almost eighty lakh rupees and plays a key role in the film.” Looks like we can look forward to much enthusiasm for ‘Aravaan’ indeed!
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